i have to do an assignment in a report style but i cant find any templates or outlines for the stucture of a report.
i have microsoft word .
if anyone could help me i would so so appreciate it thanks.
Can anyone help me write a report ??ie 6
Terms of reference i.e. purpose , subject of report
Methods of procedure - what research was done-surveys-observations
Signature and date
hope this helps
Can anyone help me write a report ??windows vista internet explorer
what is the report about?
try microsoft task launcher
Man, I didn't get any help with my homework over the internet when I was in school!!! Nobody had the internet!! You're so lucky, except it's been so long since I've been in school, I have no idea what a template is or how to do an outline! Sorry!
Hold on let us do your job for you %26amp; you pass on the money
The important thing to do here is split the report into sections, for instance.
1.1 Introduction
This report seeks to...
1.2 Paying tax
The author reccomends that the couple should pay tax...
2. Reccomendations
3. Conclusion
that a basic report layout. Refer to the number in your report, for instance. Evidence, as indicated in section 1.2 highlights the requirement of paying tax etc.... and is concurred by....
Hope that helps.
Report structure
Click on the highlighted text to see the comments.
View feedback on this data commentary's report structure by clicking on the underlined footnote links.
Sample BUS1100 data analysis report
BUS1100 Assignment 1
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Title page
Follow the assignment guidelines when preparing a title page. Be consistent in your use of capitals and lower-case letters.
Statistical Analysis and Report Writing
Name: John Smith
Student number: 31075698
Tutor's name: David Jones
Tutorial time: 2pm Wednesday
Table of contents
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Table of Contents
The Table of Contents lists every section of the report.
In contrast to an essay where headings are rarely found, information in a report is presented in sections which require headings.
List of Tables
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Use Roman numerals for the preliminary pages of the report.
List of Figures
1 Introduction
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Use Arabic numerals for the body of the report, commencing with page 1 for
the Introduction
2 Data Analysis
3 Conclusion
List of tables
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List of Tables
The List of Tables contains the names and page numbers of all tables appearing
in the report. If illustrations are used in a report, these are presented
as a separate List of Figures.
Table 1: Initial Summary Statistics of the Sample
Table 2: Measures of Central Tendency
Table 3: Measures of Dispersion for Manufacturing Sectors
Table 4: General Statistics of Manufacturing Sectors
List of figures
Figure 1: Histograms of Data from Different Manufacturing Sectors
Figure 2: Boxplot Comparison of Net Assets
1 Introduction
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The Introduction provides essential background information. The sections
required in the introduction vary, depending on the type of report and the
department to which you belong.
The introduction of a data commentary report usually does the following:
1. explains the purpose of the report
2. describes the scope and limitations
3. identifies the methods used
4. presents a brief plan of the report
These four stages of an introduction are present in the introduction of the
sample report.
This report uses a
descriptive statistical method to analyse and compare the net assets ($m) of
a sample of companies in four different manufacturing sectors; Sector A, Sector
B, Sector C and Sector D. For the purposes of the report it is assumed
that the sample of data analysed for each sector is representative of the entire
population of companies. However a comparison of the data is limited by the
varied number of observations for each sector. The discussion presents an analysis
of the data using descriptive measures of frequency distribution, central tendency
and standard deviation which reveal similar net asset figures between the four
different manufacturing sectors.
2 Data analysis
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Data Analysis
The Data Analysis section provides an interpretation of the data and comments
on the significance of the findings.
The body of the report consists of a series of paragraphs providing an interpretation of the data, and is often referred to as the Discussion or Data Analysis. Before writing this section of the report you should prepare an outline which orders your ideas into a logical sequence. You can then expand these ideas into paragraphs. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence stating the main point of the paragraph, followed by a group of related sentences which support and expand the main idea.
The topic sentence for each paragraph in the sample report has been provided
for you to study. These sentences are shown in blue. Read through each
of these topic sentences, including those in the complete paragraphs. Notice
how the topic sentence in each paragraph maintains the overall theme of data
analysis. For example, the Discussion initially focuses on sampling, followed
by a discussion of frequency distributions, histograms, medians and means,
standard deviations, and inter-quartile ranges. Evaluative comments on the
significance and implications of the results then follow.
To enable a comparison of the net assets (individual
data, in million dollars, $m) of the companies in the four different manufacturing
sectors a random sample from each of these populations was made (see Appendix
I). ........................................... [topic sentence only]
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Sector 4
Count (no. of companies)
Table 1: Initial Summary Statistics of the Sample.
(Summary statistics have been rounded off to one decimal place to maintain clarity.)
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The results of research are usually presented in both a written and graphic
form, for example text, figures, tables, and graphs. The text assists the
reader to focus on the most important aspects of the data, whilst the graphic
illustrations usually present the complete findings. Data presented in a graphic
form may be included in the main text or in an appendix. Generally, data of
primary importance to the discussion is presented in the body of the report,
and data referred to indirectly is included in an appendix. The size of
a table or figure may also determine placement in an appendix.
It can be seen from Table 1 that far less samples
were obtained from Sector 3 than the other sectors. This could have resulted
in a significantly lower range because there was less opportunity for an individual
company to have extremely high or low assets. As the number of companies in
each sector increased, so did the sum of their total net assets. This is significant
because it indicates that the majority of companies throughout manufacturing
sectors had similar net asset values.
The general spread of net assets for each sector
can be seen by allocating the raw net asset figures into frequency distributions
and then histograms for each of the four manufacturing sectors . Using
histograms as a graphical representation 'allows us to comprehend the shape
of frequency distribution at a glance' (Harrison and Tamaschke, 1993, p. 91)
and is therefore a quick and easy way to determine the asset distribution for
each sector.
bar chart bar chart
bar chart bar chart
Figure 1: Histograms of Data from Different Manufacturing Sectors
(Note the histograms were obtained using Minitab for Windows, with 24 intervals
between the range of 0-600 $m, thus midpoints were allocated every 25$m. A number
of few extreme values have been omitted to provide a more precise representation
of the majority of the data within each manufacturing sector. For full histograms
covering the entire range of values refer to Appendix 2.)
The histograms of the manufacturing Sectors 1-4
are illustrated in Figure 1. . . ...........................................
[topic sentence only]
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Sector 4
Trimmed mean
Table 2: Measures of Central Tendency.
As indicated in Table 2, we can see that the median
and both means for all manufacturing sectors are close to the suspected 300
$m figure. 'Measure of central tendency is defined as a single term that
is considered most representative of the whole set of data' (Johnson, 1978,
p. 182) thus using a mode for this value would be inappropriate (see Appendix
1) The reason for this is that three of the manufacturing sectors contained
more than one net asset figure as the most common. In Sector 4, the minimum
value was also a modal value, certainly not representing where the majority
of data lies. The problem in using the mode arises from the fact that continuous
data with two decimals is used for the initial net asset values, thus it is
rare that two companies have equal net assets in any given sector.
bar chart bar chart
Figure 2: Boxplot comparison of Net Assets ($,m)
A large difference between the median and mean for Sectors
1 and 4 respectively is apparent upon looking at Table 2 . In sector
1, the mean is far higher than the median. This is due to one company having
an extremely large net asset figure ($1530.06 $m), and many outliers above the
mean (see Figure 2). . .
........................................... paragraph continues]
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Sector 4
Standard Deviation
Sample Variance
Inter-Quartile Range
Table 3: Measures of Dispersion for Manufacturing Sectors
From Table 3 it can be seen that the standard
deviation for Sectors 1 and 4 are distorted by the exceptionally large and small
values within each of these sectors. . . . ...........................................
[topic sentence only]
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Sector 4
10th percentile
Lower Quartile
Upper Quartile
90th Percentile
Table 4: General Statistics of Manufacturing Sectors (calculated in Minitab)
An examination of Table 4 provides some further
interesting observations. . .
.. ........................................... [topic sentence only]
3 Conclusion
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The Conclusion sums up the main points which have emerged from the Data Analysis.
The conclusion of a data commentary report usually provides a brief summary of the methods of data analysis and the main results. It should also comment on the reults by making generalisations from the results where appropriate, explaining possible reasons for the results and discussing implications of the results. Any arguments presented in the body of the report should be referred to here. A conclusion should never introduce new information.
The data from four different manufacturing sectors
has been analysed through the use of descriptive measures of central tendency,
frequency distribution, and standard deviation. Robust statistics were
also deployed to provide a better indication of net asset values within sectors
with extreme values as these values can distort calculations of central tendency
and dispersion. The relatively close measures of central tendency identified
in the analysis suggest that although the spread of assets between the sectors
differs; sectors 1 and 3 had small spreads of assets and sectors 2 and 4 had
a larger net asset range, the majority of companies across the four sectors
have similar net asset values; a higher frequency of assets values at approximately
300 ($m).
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The Reference List includes all sources cited in the report. It should be on a separate page and arranged alphabetically by author. Each reference should include the following bibliographic details: author(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and publisher. A reference for a periodical article requires two titles - the article title and the periodical title - as well as the page numbers of the article. You will need to follow the preferred style for references specified by your school or department. It is important to follow these guidelines precisely and to be consistent in the setting out of your reference list.
Harrison, S. and Tamaschke, R.H.U. (1993) Statistics for business economics
and management. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Johnson, P.R. (1978) Business statistics. Sydney: MacMillan.
Luxford, K., Bedingfield, S. and Betts, J. (1998) Course notes for BUS1100
Qualitative methods for business systems. Melbourne: Monash University.
Mansfield, E. (1994 ) Statistics for business and economics and methods and
applications. New York: Norton.
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An appendix includes any supporting evidence which is not possible to incorporate
into the body of the report.
When labelling an appendix, the title should clearly and precisely indicate
the contents of the appendix. The title used for Appendix 1 could be improved
by describing the contents more specicfically (e.g. Random sample
of net assets ($,m) of companies from the four manufacturing sectors).
Appendix 1 Random Sample of Data
Appendix 2 Histograms of the entire range of company net assets ($m) values
for the four manufacturing sectors
Appendix 3 The frequency distribution of assets from the four manufacturing
I hope this helps you. For more help, i would go to the owl at purdue websight. Good Luck
Try looking for reports templates at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templa...
Best of luck!
Just write it who cares that is how I do it and I get A's all the time.
........Short Description...
.........Objectives and Scopes of the Report and Brief History
............Discuss particular topic
............Discuss particular topic
............Give your opinion
//HOpe you will like it...
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