Friday, November 20, 2009

I want to build an Excel Spreadsheet, but then filter my information?

I am doing a yard sale. I would like to enter everyone's info on one sheet. Quantity, Description, Price, ext price, etc. But then I want to "filter" the info into seperate individual invoices for each customer so they can have a print out. I don't want to buy any software. WHat is this called? Can you provide a template or perhaps a link to Microsoft online.

I want to build an Excel Spreadsheet, but then filter my information?ie

Filtering is pretty easy in Excel.

Go to the heading for the column that you want to filter on (Customer Name). You can select more than one headings at once.

From the menu, pick Data - Filter - Autofilter.

It will give you a little down arrow in the heading.

When you click that, you can pick one of the values, and only the rows that have that value will be displayed, and all the others will be hidden.

One benefit of filtering is that when you're filtering, if you select an area of cells that crosses hidden and visible rows, only the visible data is selected (if you wanted to copy and paste all of one customer's data to another sheet, for example).

If you need more info, add more detail or e-mail.



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