I want to make some posters for my school election. What would you find eye catching? I have looked on the microsoft website but I don't like any templates they have. Do you know any websites where I can download some templates for free, or do you have any good design ideas?
Stylish, eye catching poster design?microsoft xp
I suggest Microsoft publisher, that way you can customize the templates. I also suggest you use your school colors for the poster =]
Stylish, eye catching poster design?download windows xp internet explorer
copy a persidential election poster EXACTLY :]
ok this prob. wont help you but maybe, i google everything!!
it isn't mostly about what's on the board to get people to come to you, it is the board itself. Our science fair was earlier this year and we got major points for our board. Be creative. Do a black background with neon colors or something like that. Use colors that contradict each other. Go artsy and use warm colors (colors that make you think hot-red, orange, yellow, etc.) against cool colors (think cold - blue, white, green)
a midget laying on his back completly in the buff. with a huge falic image standing about 4 and half feat tall. with a pot leaf on the tip. and leaning over loking at you winking. also he needs to stelletos on that go all the way up to his knees and wearing a cowboy hat.
Go to adobe.com
Download a trial of Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.
Those are what I use to make all my posters. It's amazing, 'cause you do anything on there..
Ever seen those awesome design effects and stuff? They do them on Photoshop!
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